by ZebSadiq
24. September 2010 02:26
The Summary Links control is a great way to allow content editors to add links to other content using a simple content editing method. One of the limitations of the Summary Links control is in its ability to allow rich text on the description field of an item. More...
by ZebSadiq
21. September 2010 02:29
If you’re ever creating a custom site definition for SharePoint, it is likely that you would be required to attach a site logo to the site definition and are left wondering why such an obvious property does not exist in onet.xml. Recently I came across this situation and although the work around may be known amongst the community, it is not really well documented on the web (as I discovered while trying to find one). More...
by ZebSadiq
5. May 2010 02:10
Many SharePoint projects require migrating existing functionality and content from the client's existing systems to a new SharePoint site. While content migration is more straight forward, existing functionality which is usually in the shape of standalone aspx pages can be difficult to accommodate within SharePoint. Here I will try to identify the options available to achieve this. More...
by ZebSadiq
17. February 2010 08:30
SharePoint themes are probably one of the most overlooked features of SharePoint. Many developers believe that having a custom master page that contain custom html and custom CSS eliminates the need for themes all together. However, I've recently come across scenarios that challenge such an approach to getting the look and feel required for professional looking sites using SharePoint 2007. Here I will try to illustrate my findings on this matter and hopefully help you make better informed decision about that the approach you should take in applying the look and feel required to a SharePoint site.More...