How to add a standalone aspx pages to SharePoint navigation

by ZebSadiq 5. May 2010 02:10

Many SharePoint projects require migrating existing functionality and content from the client's existing  systems to a new SharePoint site.  While content migration is more straight forward, existing functionality which is usually in the shape of standalone aspx pages can be difficult to accommodate within SharePoint. Here I will try to identify the options available to achieve this. More...

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SharePoint 2007

SharePoint 2010 Beta installation run through

by ZebSadiq 23. April 2010 22:57

Following on from my previous post about SharePoint 2007 installation process, I thought it would  be a good idea to write about the SharePoint 2010 beta installation. The good news is that on Server 2008 R2, the installations is much smoother than before. Microsoft does claim to have put in more time and effort on this product and it is really starting to show. Remember that this installation guide is for SharePoint 2010 BETA and therefore may be different to the release version. More...

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Server 2008 | SharePoint 2010

How to pop up login dialog box or redirect to login page depending on the authentication mode of the SharePoint site

by ZebSadiq 8. April 2010 01:38

In some cases, one of the requirements of a SharePoint project is to provide two versions of the same SharePoint site. One with 'forms' authentication where the users information is stored in a database and the other with 'windows' authentication where the user is authenticated via the active directory.  Though its easy to deal with each of these scenarios by writing separate pieces of code, it is not going to as quick as using the out of the box functionality provided by SharePoint 2007.More...

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Authentication | SharePoint 2007

SharePoint custom theme + custom master page = no result?

by ZebSadiq 6. April 2010 01:33

I came a across this issue recently when I created a new SharePoint theme. After much trial and error, it turned out that a colleague who had created a new master page, had missed out the SharePoint theme control reference that renders the link to the custom theme css file. However this took a while to work out since there was so many other possible points of failure for the theme not taking effect.

Here I've listed some steps that can be taken to pin point the source of the problem with your custom theme. Before you start, you must understand the consequences of making changes through SharePoint designer. It is an important topic to learn about before touching your SharePoint site through SharePoint designer in any case.More...

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CSS | SharePoint 2007

SharePoint 2007 Themes - Strategy for customising SharePoint look and feel

by ZebSadiq 17. February 2010 08:30

SharePoint themes are probably one of the most overlooked features of SharePoint. Many developers believe that having a custom master page that contain custom html and custom CSS eliminates the need for themes all together. However, I've recently come across scenarios that challenge such an approach to getting the look and feel required for professional looking sites using SharePoint 2007. Here I will try to illustrate my findings on this matter and hopefully help you make better informed decision about that the approach you should take in applying the look and feel required to a SharePoint site.More...

SharePoint 2007 installation in 2010

by ZebSadiq 1. February 2010 00:27

Much of the information regarding SharePoint 2007 installation on the internet has become out of date. Additionally like myself, many people will find themselves with dated installation packages and getting them even to load can be a bit tricky. I came across many issues in an attempt to do a clean install of MOSS 2007 on Server  2008. Many of these issues are generally avoided thanks to network/dev admins keeping virtualised  copies of the base installations (not requiring full installations) and therefore these installation topics are often overlooked. I've tried to manifest as much helpful information as possible rooting from my own (painful) experiences.
Here is a summary of how to install MOSS 2007 on Windows Server 2008.More...

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Server 2008 | SharePoint 2007


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