by zebsadiq
29. January 2013 08:30
This server control will help you hide html elements which shouldn’t display in ‘display mode’ if a certain SharePoint field is empty. This must be a common requirement amongst most SharePoint projects so I’m surprised that I haven’t covered this earlier as its not commonly documented elsewhere. More...
by ZebSadiq
18. October 2010 19:29
Earlier this year, I planned, designed and built a custom UI for my blog. This was an exercise to test and renew my creative skills. Since the build, I have been noticing areas where my initial design lacks and design elements which can be improved.More...
by ZebSadiq
6. April 2010 01:33
I came a across this issue recently when I created a new SharePoint theme. After much trial and error, it turned out that a colleague who had created a new master page, had missed out the SharePoint theme control reference that renders the link to the custom theme css file. However this took a while to work out since there was so many other possible points of failure for the theme not taking effect.
Here I've listed some steps that can be taken to pin point the source of the problem with your custom theme. Before you start, you must understand the consequences of making changes through SharePoint designer. It is an important topic to learn about before touching your SharePoint site through SharePoint designer in any case.More...